
Each month we select articles from the latest issue of Semiconductor Today magazine and make them available here for free download. To see all the articles available each month in Semiconductor Today, please register for free now.

July/August 2024

Comparison between MBE and MOCVD technologies

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Near size-independent UV-A micro-LED performance

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Red InGaN micro-LED on silicon prospecting

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Etching-free pixel definition for InGaN micro-LEDs

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Gallium nitride HEMTs on 8-inch sapphire

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Fraunhofer IAF uses MOCVD to fabricate aluminum yttrium nitride

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June/July 2024

PCSEL emits at more than 300mW CW at 1550nm wavelength

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InP-on-insulator substrates for 2.1μm lasers on silicon

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Reversing size effects in cyan–green micro-LEDs

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Sumitomo presents poreassisted free-standing GaN

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Poly-MoS2 FETs integrated on 200mm substrate

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May 2024

Micro-LED IP plateaus after seven years of exponential growth

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III–nitride ultraviolet photonic circuits on silicon

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High-power 1.55μm CW laser diodes on silicon

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Reconstituted silicon wafers with III–V and silicon dies

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HEMTs with 3C-SiC on 4H-SiC interfaces

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April 2024

Layer transfer of III–N MEMS via 2D hexagonal boron nitride

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Recycling GaN for vertical power device performance

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Cascading VCSELs to boost power efficiency

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Triple-lattice photonic crystal laser

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First true ternary near-IR III–V nanowire-lasers

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March 2024

Green photonic-crystal surface-emitting lasers

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Probing InGaN RGB micro-LEDs on silicon

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UCSB reports first N-polar InAlGaN HEMT

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Carbon removal for boosting GaN electron mobility

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Fully vertical GaN-on-SiC Schottkys with low on-resistance

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Silicon carbide substrate costs falling as larger diameters adopted

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February 2024

Compound semiconductor substrate market growing at 17% CAGR to $3.3bn in 2029

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Red InGaN micro-LEDs on freestanding substrates

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V-defects for improved red InGaN LED performance

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Virtual body concept for 650V GaN-on-silicon ICs

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Dynamic performance of vertical GaN JFETs

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Lateral polarity structure GaN Schottky barrier diodes

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December 2023 / January 2024

Nickel nanoparticle lift to p-GaN-free deep-UV LEDs

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Stacking p-down green LEDs using tunnel junctions

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Full-color active-matrix micro-LED micro-displays

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Laser-assisted separation for freestanding GaN

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Record frequency AlGaN-channel transistors

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More players exhibiting a common IP strategy for power & RF GaN technologies

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November / December 2023

Fully in-situ roughening for ultrathin III–V solar cells

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First droplet epitaxy of InAs quantum dots on InGaAsP quaternary alloy

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Determining droop in green InGaN LEDs

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Extracting efficiency contributions for sub-10μm LEDs

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Status of the IP competition for vertical gallium nitride power devices

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RF sputtering of gallium oxide on diamond

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October / November 2023

Germanium–tin MQW LEDs on 12-inch silicon substrate

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Fabricating 330ppi monolithic GaInN RGB pixels

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GaN:AlN superlattice UVC LEDs boost light extraction

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Next Level Epitaxy for aluminium nitride thin films

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Recessing metal contacts for gallium nitride transistors

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September / October 2023

Auger recombination’s impact on InGaN LED efficiency

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Spalling-induced GaN lift-off and transfer

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MOCVD mid-to-long wavelength IR quantum cascade lasers on Si

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Silicon-based InAs QD laser operation above 150°C

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Balancing charge to boost Ga2O3 breakdown beyond 10kV

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Gallium oxide flash memory

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July / August 2023

Improving micron-scale AlGaInP red LED performance

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Monolithic integration of III-V lasers & silicon photonics

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Co-doping boost for quantum dot lasers on Si(001)

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GeSn VCSE p-i-n diodes bonded on 200mm silicon

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AlScN ferroelectric FETs for monolithic 3D NVM integration

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NTT achieves 300GHz-band high-speed data transmission with beamforming

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June / July 2023

All-MOCVD 980nm laser on (001) silicon

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InAs quantum dot lasers buttcoupled to SOI waveguides

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InAs quantum dot lasers on silicon carbide substrate

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Record sub-micron LED red emission efficiency

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Emerging substrates market growing at 27% CAGR to over $264m by 2028

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Mitsubishi Electric develops SBD-embedded SiC-MOSFET with new structure for power modules

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CEA-Leti proof of concept demonstrates higher electron mobility in GeSn than in silicon or germanium

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May / June 2023

Annealing InP quantum dot MBE structures for laser

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Re-assessing assumptions on internal quantum efficiency

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Red InGaN LEDs for visible light communications

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Thick single quantum well InGaN LEDs with high external quantum efficiency and low droop

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QPT’s modules enable GaN to operate at up to 20MHz without overheating or RF issues

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Infineon launches European Union projects for power electronics and artificial intelligence

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Progress towards complementary GaN on silicon

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April 2023

Indium arsenide quantum dot lasers on silicon with simple GaAs buffer

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First transverse DUV-LEDs without n-AlGaN layers

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MOVPE core–shell AlGaN nanorods for UV emission

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Green exciton emission from nanowire micro-LEDs

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GaN on silicon through surface-activated bonding

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Commercialization of 800V for EVs to play crucial role in growth strategy of OEMs

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CSA Catapult celebrates fifth anniversary

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